
Starting off the Holidays.....

So thanks to my phenomenal cousin, Andy, I have just found my new favorite website! Jib Jab! It makes for a great time, and I'm going to reiterate what Ands said on his blog-for this upcoming Christmas season, visit elfyourself.com. I sent the elf I made to some of my family, and so far, they all seem to love it! Oh-and yes I'm one of those people who listens to Christmas music before Thanksgiving :) It's not because I don't absolutely love having a day of Thanks (even though I'm not going to celebrate it quite as traditionally this year, because, indeed, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out two days before. Oh yes-my Thanksgiving dinner will consist of nothing but mashed potatoes. And my Thanksgiving poem that I recite every year will probably sound a lot like a drunken girl with a lisp. I think it'll be a great event!) but it's because I just absolutely love Christmas music! It's just.......the most wonderful time of the year! (name that song!) :)

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