
Beginning the Countdown!

On Sunday, as I was returning home from my voice recital, my roommates picked me up and we all went to the park to have some fun.  We ended up playing some cards, snacking on jellybeans and taking tons of jumping pictures. (Mostly for Brynne's benefit. She LOVES jumping pictures) This is our last week of our Freshman year of college and we still have no idea where the time has gone.  Good thing we're all living together next semester too huh?!
(FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Brynne, Me, Emily, and Kylee)
I lost numerous times during the game....good thing I  don't gamble :)

As I was looking through my pictures, I realized that my Aerobics teacher was right.  I do have ballerina feet :) I'm always pointing my toes
What can I say? I'm a DIVA!!! :) HA HA HA!
This is one of my favorites :) Look at Ky! 

This is our most embarrassing, but funniest picture we took all day.  We figured out that Brynne can't keep her mouth closed when she's jumping, Kylee looks like she's about to pounce on someone, and I look completely ridiculous.  I was trying to fling myself out as far as possible...what a dork :)
I love Ky in this picture :) Reminds me of a starfish and a bear hug all at the same time.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Who is the poor girl in the 1st picture who has no legs? poor thing.