
Superbowl Party

A couple of weeks ago, my roommates and I had a Superbowl party where, yes, we did make Superbowl cupcakes!

We had some fun with the left over icing :) MWAH!!! Notice the lips on the left side of the mirror....oh yeah-they are mine :*


The Day of Love :)

Valentines Day: February 14, observed in honor of St. Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection. :) My tokens of affection were as follows:
1. A romantic dinner up on the balcony (It looked a lot like this except I used candles instead of the champaign bottle) :)

2. Two tickets to Desert Star to see their show "Home School Musical"

3. A Romeo Bear from Build-A-Bear

These were his three surprises (Yes, I said SURPRISES. He had no idea what we were going to do that night). People, I've found that it's all about the presentation. I set up a romantic dinner-a relatively easy thing to do....get a nice tablecloth, candles, nice china to eat on (no paper plates), and glass bowls for chip dip and stuff like that. (Mom cooked. I wasn't about to attempt to mess everything up with my pitiful cooking skills) Then I presented his second surprise by providing him with directions to our next destination, Desert Star. When he didn't recognize the address, I handed him our tickets. His face lit up :) The next part was something I had been wrestling with for a solid week. How to give him the bear. After much debate, I delivered the bear to the Desert Star Theatre that morning along with very specific instructions. During the intermission, one of the actors always announces birthdays, anniversaries, etc, so after the show, the actor finished announcing birthdays and then asked if there was a Cody Kettleburg in the theatre. Cody's face went from being relaxed and happy, to completely blank :D Oh gosh-it was FAN-TASTIC!!! He raised his hand (We were very easily spotted by everyone in the theatre cause we were seated on the front row) and the actor announced that Cody was a newly returned missionary and that he was here with his "Long lost love". (Inside joke to all who saw a previous blog post of mine). The actor then told Cody they had a gift for him, and right then, our waitress came up behind us and placed the bear in his arms. Of course you can imagine the rest of the audience :) Awww....! Anyways though, it turned out to be a great Valentines day-that's for sure :)


Bear Lake!

Let me tell you the story of my very first trip to Bear Lake......
One Saturday, two of my roommates and I left Logan for a little while to visit Bear Lake

It was my first time to ever see the lake and boy, was it beautiful!

We stopped at the monument overlooking the lake and decided to set aside some time for stunts....

and a photoshoot!

On our way to search for the shoreline, we stopped at a.....beach.....we quickly left.

We ended up having to pursue the shoreline on foot

and along the way, we found patches of cat tails!

After much trudging through the hardened snow, WE FOUND IT!!! and of course we.....

had another photoshoot :)

and made snow angels!

As we were leaving, we saw a flock of geese! (Any Brian Reagan fans?)

We plowed our way back through the snow and had stopped to rest, but Emily was getting a little too friendly.....so....yeah, that was short lived.

Before we left town, we stopped for a bite to eat at a local, old fashioned restaurant. Mmmm.....Delicious!

but we still weren't done messing around! I pushed Emily into the river.....almost.....

climbed a tree.....

got my feet wet and still found time for.....


But it started to get dark, so we headed for home.

What an eventful day this turned out to be! :)